I was visiting with a gentleman in the park about going home for Christmas. He said, "We used to. But one year we went home, opened up the house, bought a bunch of groceries and prepared a bunch of food. All the kids came home from hither and yon. We ate, talked and opened gifts and then the kids scattered hither and yon." He said, "We looked at each other as we sat there by ourselves and said, "Why did we do this?" And that is the last time we went home for Christmas.
I thought those of you who wonder why many people stay here for the holidays might better understand upon reading his story.
My two cents: Our children live very busy lives as we did as well when we were their ages. Now it is getting a bit better and they are not quite so busy being parents as our children's children have grown and they are becoming grandparents themselves. I do not mind stepping back and watching them enjoy the grandparent experience just as we did. Not only do I not mind, I very much enjoy watching them and how they relate to the next generation. Do I wish we were there for Christmas? Sometimes. But just as the fellow was telling me, the amount of time we would spend with them does not measure out against the effort it would take to do so. I can say, Thank God for technology because with the Internet and cell phones etc. they never seem very far away. But every now and again...
Pecan Bill in Mexico
Bill and Kay went to Mexico yesterday to get medicine and Bill wanted a hair cut and to see about getting his dentures relined. Bill went into the dental office where he had obtained his dentures years ago and asked what it would cost to have them relined. He wasn't able to talk to his dentist directly but an office person told him $125. He went on down the line to another dentist and asked again. They said $75. So he is mulling this info over in his mind. After all that is quite a difference. Then he decided to get his hair cut. He bargained the barber down to a $4 haircut by the way and after he was done Bill asked him if he knew of a dentist. He said, "Of course, come right this way!" and led him to the rear of the shop where there was a complete dental office. This was some surprise to Bill as he had no idea it was there. It seemed clean so he sat and discussed getting his dentures relined. "No problem, $25 and 20 minutes!" That was so cheap that it scared him! We all are wondering what kind of job he would have obtained for $25 but Bill is not about to let his dentures be the test for us to get our curiosity satisfied. We think they may be using Play Doh or some such substance. If anyone would like to know more about the place I am sure Bill will tell you and if you have the nerve to follow through we will all be very curious about how you feel after the deed is done.