Waiting for Butch to finish his breakfast, then we will get our walk in followed by some more than cursory cleaning. I can only let it go so long. I think everyone has their own intolerance level and I have reached mine. So just a brief note this morning...
Till next time...
Saturday, March 5
Friday, March 4
March 2011 Birthday Bash- For the past 6 years the Stilsons have hosted a birthday party for March birthdays. From l. to R. Peggy Gordon ( Feb 23,close enough), Dale Cooklin (March 1st), Bill Stilson (March 3rd), Jo Levin (March 4th) and Barb Brooker ( March 6th)
We had a great time!
Wednesday, March 2
Soooo Behind
I am so behind with computer work I may never get caught up. I am talking my own here. It is one of those times when I may 'select all' in my email and hit delete. I say that in jest. Although I do scan through and look for familiar names and at least read those.
It is the busiest time here in the park. The last business meeting of the season and the election are next Monday. It will really slow down after that. A certain amount of politics is inevitable in this situation. Some years more than others and this one seems to be very active. What will be,will be.
Butch has been busy with golf and pool as usual. I am still finding time to make bracelets and sell them. I have two to deliver today. Butch says he is a "kept man" this year as the income from bracelet sales has kept us from needing to go to the ATM. In other words, it has kept us in pocket money.
This morning I am assisting some new computer users in getting their computer set up. Butch has to dump the black tank. I would rather have my job even though his only takes a minute.
Hmmm...Maybe I can find time to vacuum...tomorrow!!
It is the busiest time here in the park. The last business meeting of the season and the election are next Monday. It will really slow down after that. A certain amount of politics is inevitable in this situation. Some years more than others and this one seems to be very active. What will be,will be.
Butch has been busy with golf and pool as usual. I am still finding time to make bracelets and sell them. I have two to deliver today. Butch says he is a "kept man" this year as the income from bracelet sales has kept us from needing to go to the ATM. In other words, it has kept us in pocket money.
This morning I am assisting some new computer users in getting their computer set up. Butch has to dump the black tank. I would rather have my job even though his only takes a minute.
Hmmm...Maybe I can find time to vacuum...tomorrow!!
Monday, February 28
Link of the Day
Quick, which country has the most Internet users? What about the number
of cars on the road? Which countries use nuclear power? These types of
questions don't often pop up in real life. But there are situations
where this information is important. School projects and political
discussions are two good examples. Unfortunately, wading through
statistical information is boring. After a while, the numbers all run
together but not with mapping the wrold.
It starts with a standard map of the world. Selecting a topic modifies
the map. Countries grow and shrink to match the statistical data.
Hovering your mouse over a country gives you more information. It's an
easy way to visualize information. And you can even submit information
to be added on a topic.
of cars on the road? Which countries use nuclear power? These types of
questions don't often pop up in real life. But there are situations
where this information is important. School projects and political
discussions are two good examples. Unfortunately, wading through
statistical information is boring. After a while, the numbers all run
together but not with mapping the wrold.
It starts with a standard map of the world. Selecting a topic modifies
the map. Countries grow and shrink to match the statistical data.
Hovering your mouse over a country gives you more information. It's an
easy way to visualize information. And you can even submit information
to be added on a topic.
Sunday, February 27
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