This has been a wild and crazy week. Wednesday, Classmate Bob Maddux and his wife Kay touched base with Denise Van who sent out the word that we could meet and greet at the Uptown Cafe. So a few of his classmates visited for an hour or so that morning.
Bill Figenshaw, Dee Van, Carol Zwicky, Pat Rusnak, Bob Maddux and Kay Maddux
Barb, Bob M and Mickey
On Friday our Missouri kids came with the camper for a mini reunion with the Iowa kids and other family.
Nana Susan was playing SlapJack, Go Fish, and Concentration with the kiddos before their cousins arrived on Saturday.
Rich and Donna Fetterman, Ann Cortes and her children Nina, Scarlett and Skylar arrived and the fun began!
The guys all played golf in the morning. The five children met for the first time and it was a perfect match. They hit it off big time and played nonstop until long after dark!
Skylar, age 3 soon to be 4 took a few minutes out to watch TinkerBell.
Aunt Myrla brought Silly Putty for the kids to play with and Scarlett got it in her hair so her mother Ann was trying to remove it with Mayonaise. It was slow going.
Patio conversation
GreatGrands- Elise 7, Nina 8, Leo 4, Scarlett 6 and Skylar 3.
(Four Strong Women and a Ladies Man)
The kids had the best time of all! Leo taught them how to get anything they wanted from Papa Gary and Papa Jason by making big puppy dog eyes or big kitty eyes like the cat in Shrek. It did work a fair amount of the time and soon everyone was doing it, including Jason and Gary.
Nana Barbara, Papa Butch and Skylar.

Ann making big kitty eyes.

Skylar with Nana Donna

The girls work at getting Jason to twirl them
Gary, Rich, and Jason
Karla was here for the afternoon and Leo and Keri stopped by in the evening. It was a great and memorable day.
Leo was asked how he was doing with all those girls. He said, "Fine." " How many are there? He said, " There are 3 friends and oh wait, my sister so that makes 4."