Friday, February 2

Friends and Mexico

 Friends of ours from Canyon Lake TX, Terry and Lisa Linder have come to the Rio Grand Valley for a month's visit. We met the Linders at Snow Mountain Ranch of the Rockies in about 2006. We have often stopped at their place both coming down and going home.

We went to Mexico yesterday so Lisa could get some dental work done, while Terry and us went to see Hector and get some meds. Time out for lunch at Jessica's followed that and we had one of the best meals ever. They have new cooks and I gave them two thumbs up!!  Following these chores, we hunted down a pedicure. Yes, we are hooked! It was a bunch of fun.

Butch and Terry getting peticured.


I often look at Butch's hair and wonder what he can possibly be doing to get his hair that whirly twirly.

Friend Linda shares a passion for sci-fi with Butch. She shared 3 books with him and they are all this size! He is on Book three!!

And then

Wednesday, January 31

Trivia Results *&%#

 Some lessons are SO hard to learn. I count on Candy D. to put trivia news and pictures on Facebook for me and she does such a good job. Candy was absent last night and I sure hope all is well with her. 

While on Facebook I wrote on the Trophy Gardens Group about the trivia results. I don't know if any of you have done this, but while on Facebook if you make one tiny misclick it will all go away never to be seen again. This is the lesson I seem destined to learn over and over again!

I should never write on the "What are you thinking?" portion again! And if I remember I won't!!!

So for this entry, I am returning to my reliable blog.  Many of my followers will not give a hoot who won trivia last night. That is what they will be reading if they go any further.

We had six teams Tuesday night in the main hall at 6:30 PM ( See how I stuck that commercial in there?) Team Part Timers won with a score of 134. A perfect score is 160 so you can see they did quite well. Team Part Timers members are Jon and Teresa Gardner, Moe Anderson, Jim Motzko, Michele La Croix, Beverly Brix, Carole Hancock, and Rich Nielsen.

A close second was Team SmartyPants with a score of 132.


Tuesday, January 30

Saving Stuff

 I save stuff I find interesting on the Internet. 

Here are some I have recently saved.

This is so us!!


A neighbor recently rescued a cat and since Butch and I know "Cat" I thought she might like to know it too.

Monday, January 29


 Around here you need to hit the ground running. January and February are the 2 busiest months of the year. So many activities are crammed into that time period that you could seriously hurt yourself if you tried to do them all.

So we don't. Butch and I plug along doing what most attracts us and letting the rest of it pass on by. We know that many of these things we would greatly enjoy but it is a bit like eating too much scrumptious food in one sitting. It will weigh on you in the end.

Yesterday it was pool and rather than repeat myself I will share what I wrote for other publications.