He has thyroid issues so I tell him his thermostat is broken. It seems it doesn't matter where we are; Iowa home, Texas home, or in the car one of us isn't comfortable. I exaggerate. It really isn't that bad. It just seems that way sometimes.
We knew a couple a few years ago, Bonnie and Fred, who had extreme thermostat issues. I think Fred set it on his age. He was in his 90's. He was never warm enough. They were a late-in-life couple and Bonnie was from a way-up-north state. The situation got to the point that Fred would not go with her in the Spring because he had a hard enough time staying warm in South Texas and way-up-north was out of the question. They are both gone now so their thermostat war is over. I trust they are both comfortable.
Many, many years ago I helped my nearly blind grandmother walk home from church. I know it was during lent because there would be no other reason for walking home after dark with her. I must have been 8 or 9 years old. I wore a light and airy dress that was new and I had not worn a sweater or a jacket. We stopped in the "Little Store" so I could warm up. It was in the days of Neighborhood Grocery Stores. A young boy of 10 or 11 happened to be in there. His name was Butch Brooker but I didn't know that then. When we stepped in Grandma Brock said, "If you would wear some clothes you wouldn't be cold!" Butch has never forgotten that.
So here is hoping your thermostat wars are amicable.