Friday, our Missouri kids, Gary and Susan came to visit over the July 4th holiday. Saturday our Iowa kids Rich and Donna, Jason and Laura, and Karla joined us for fun and games. The guys went golfing and we ladies played Mexican train. We enjoyed steak and pie provided by Keri and Leo for supper along with a few other fixings. We thoroughly enjoyed the day! So much so that I didn't get any pictures!
Each morning I did my usual 6.1 mile bike ride. Saturday Gary and Jason joined me, Sunday just Gary and Monday and this morning, Tuesday, Gary and Susan joined me.

At Daubindiek Park

Jason and Laura

Gary and Susan

This seemed like a pine tree. The needles were soft. Anyone know what the name of it is?
Sunday, Gary, Susan, Jason,Laura, Butch and I toured Jefferson some after the guys played golf. The kids went up in the Mahanay bell-tower, followed by a walk in Daubendiek Park down by the river and a quick view at Henderson Park. We bopped out to Spring Lake to see how many campers were there. (It was full!)

Gary and Susan paddling on Spring Lake

Laura and Jason



Jason broke his paddle so fashioned one out of wood. Typical! That's our boy.

Gary and Susan

Jason and Laura

Bee on Milkweed.
Monday, the guys played golf and then Jason and Laura had purchased a kayak for Laura on Friday so they wanted to kayak at Spring Lake. Gary and Susan went along and rented a paddleboat. Butch and I joined them later and then the guys managed to sneak in 9 more holes of golf. Susan and Laura walked the course with them and I came home and readied supper. Later then, Karla and Devon joined us for fireworks. We went to the Depot area on the bike trail and had an excellent view of the fireworks. We packed a lot into the weekend and it was all fun-filled!

Devon and Karla enjoying the fireworks.

Susan and Gary on this morning's bike ride.