Thursday, December 30


Yesterday was one of those days that you look on as unbelievable. Numerous phone calls and requests from all directions. I have not had a day like it since I was still working. But we got through it. None of it was earth shattering by any means. It was all ordinary stuff for the most part. It just landed all at once.
There are two things that took place that people should know about.
One is Chase Bank. I am sure all banks are now doing this but we all need to know and protest the practice. We had $3500+ in a Chase bank account. The first little trick they pulled is a $30 annual fee because we had less than $10,000 with them even though they are administering a very large annuity for us. We tried to get that $30 fee reversed without any luck. So we decided to do away with the $3500 we did have with them. They charged us $75 to close this account. As you can imagine Butch was livid and has let everyone he has come in contact know what Chase bank has done. We tried to get this reversed as well but had no luck with that either. So if you have small accounts here and there you are most likely being charged an annual fee for it and if you close it out they will sock it to you again. In our mind it isn't any different from the bandito's in Mexico stopping traffic and demanding a fee to keep from getting shot. Chase is most likely only one of many banks doing this practice.
Secondly, I must have registered as being diabetic online somewhere. At any rate my name is out there. There are many companies calling diabetics and telling them they have been authorized to receive a new test meter. The first time it happened to me I thought it was a an upgrade to my meter that I started with but it wasn't. It was a completely different company. They bill Medicare for it. Then I started getting calls from them-sometimes several days in a row-asking me if I needed supplies etc. So I put my number (cell phone) on the national do not call list. It takes 31 days for it to take affect but it seemed to be working...until yesterday. I received a call and it went like this. "Am I speaking to Barbara Brooker? Ms Brooker I am calling to tell you that we have contacted your doctor, Dr Panakos, and you have been approved to receive a new test meter. It will be arriving at your home in a few days." I said, "Wait a minute, You are planning to send me a new meter?" Yes, ma'am you have been approved."  "I do not care if I have been approved. You are NOT sending me anything and you had best not call me again because I will report you. I am on the Do Not Call list." " Okay ma'am we will not send the meter then." This whole thing is very tricky because they make it sound as though your doctor has been notified and said you needed this new meter and that is not the case at all. It is fraud pure and simple. I can see how people get sucked into this very easily. And if it is happening to me it is happening to many others as well. So spread the word.
It was just one of those days....

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