Friday, January 27

Running as fast as I can

 I had a hard time keeping up when we were in Iowa, mainly because there was nothing new to report and now we are in Texas, and I still need to catch up because there is so much going on! 

Jason and Laura were here for a fast and furious 3 days. One of the unforeseen benefits is now when we talk on the phone they have a firmer grasp of everything we are involved in and the people we spend the most time with. We like that.

Our shower is done and we love it. 

We were told the other day that we had the best park model in the park because it has the very best kitchen. She wanted to buy it but missed out due to a miscommunication. Lucky us. Alice J. had her eye on our place for a long time. We are aware that if and when we put our place on the market it will not be there long.

A few of us are going to eat at the KBN Seafood Restaurant today. Butch cannot go because he is committed to pool. They have "American food" too so if you are tempted to try it don't hold back. It is located at the corner of Trenton and Sugar Road.

My surgery to have a spot removed from my cheek because of a positive biopsy happens on February 9th. I can't remember if I had previously mentioned that. I have had other spots removed in the past so it is not concerning me, at least not yet. When I mentioned it to one of the happy hour people she said if I counted all my friends who have told me that in the last week or so it would be close to 10.

Our Happy Hour hosts are headed for a cruise this next week so we might have to fill in the gap on our deck. In fact, we plan on it. All you need to bring is your happy! It is daily from 4:00 to 5:00. Sure hope it warms up. We are once again going through a cold spell. Current outdoor temp is 53.4 at 11:15 AM.

Maybe I can close the gap between entries next time but I am not making any promises!