Saturday, May 2

Slow Boat to Nursing Home

I plan to keep track of this lady. She is a keeper.

'The Mayo Piano'

'The Mayo Piano'

Click on the link below!
If you need a good smile and enjoy piano playing this will "Lighten" your heart!!

In the Mayo Buildings there is a piano and sometimes people stop to play.
This is the cutest little Video of two older folks playing the piano in the Gonda Building,
and is worth watching.

I do to golf

This was taken in Georgia. I do golf on special occasions and on Tuesdays in Texas. Pictures of me are rare on this site so decided to add this one that Butch took.

Friday, May 1

Enjoying the pace

I am so enjoying the slower pace of being at Lake Anita. There are 6 other RV units here but most are not visibly occupied. We have been able to get my mandatory two walks per day in and my blood sugar readings have reflected the results. It can be a bit of a challenge to get enough walking in while traveling. The rain showers haven't been too much to work around but I could do with less. Butch took the tow car sheild off the car when we arrived and put it on the picnic table, cleaned it up and we have been waiting for it to dry enough to put away ever since.



Thursday, April 30

Plum Blossoms =Childhood Memories

We had plum trees right next to the driveway. Wonderful perfume in the spring-terrific mess in the fall!

Our Missouri Kids-Gary and Susan

Wednesday, April 29

From a Nurse we know

The Pandemic flu planning group has been meeting frequently since Sunday to evaluate the information known about the cases of Swine flu (H1N1) in the U.S. and throughout the world and is in contact with the Department of Health. There are 50 cases confirmed in the U.S. at this time, with one person hospitalized and most cases very mild. No cases have been identified in SD, Minnesota, Iowa or Nebraska.

On Monday afternoon, April 27, the World Health Organization changed the Pandemic alert level from 3 to 4 (out of a possible 6) indicating that human-to-human spread has resulted in sustained "community level outbreaks. Level 4 indicates that the likelihood of a pandemic has increased but not that it is inevitable. The WHO levels guide the levels of emergency response throughout the U.S. and at Sanford. You may remain up to date with recommendations from CDC and WHO by accessing this web site:

Consider this as the start of another influenza season with newly heightened awareness for cases of influenza.

Travel precautions: At this time CDC recommends that U.S. travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Mexico.

Vaccination: There is no swine flu vaccine available at this time. It is not yet clear that the 2008-2009 seasonal influenza vaccine will protect against this H1N1 strain of influenza. Therefore hand hygiene, cough hygiene and compliance with contact/droplet precautions are essential prevention strategies.

Personal Preparations: Now is the time to begin thinking about how you will meet the needs of family and the needs of work should cases of the H1N1 flu occur nearby which could involve implementing additional measures to prevent spread.

Precautions when caring for patients suspected/known to have influenza A:

* Private room with standard, contact and droplet isolation to enter the room including gown, mask, and gloves.
* Frequent hand hygiene with either soap and water or waterless hand sanitizers – instruct visitors and patients
* Cough etiquette using tissue or sleeves to cough into, discard tissues, follow with hand hygiene – instruct visitors and patients
* Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth - that is how the virus can spread to you

Symptoms: Any of these can occur - Fever of 100º F or more, headache/body aches, fatigue/malaise, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, GI symptoms of nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, shortness of breath and altered mentation.

Transmission: Transmission is by droplet or contact with a coughing or sneezing person.

Incubation period: 1-4 days from exposure

Infectious period: From one day prior to the onset of symptoms until 7 days following onset.

Treatment: Those who are ill can be treated with anti-viral medications. Treatment guidelines have been distributed to physicians and mid-level practitioners and will be updated as needed.

Preventing Illness: If you get sick stay home from work, school and avoid contact with others.

This is a situation that can change in a moment. You will be updated as the information changes.

Sent on behalf of the Pandemic Planning Team

Sharon Rockman RN BA CIC

Sanford Health Infection Preventionist and Coordinator

Spreading the Word

Someone you may know who would be a perfect fit for this position at Snow Mountain Ranch.

The Gift Shop Supervisor is a paid position for 24 hours per week that provides full room and board. We are looking for someone who would be willing to commit to a year at this position. Please see the attached job description for responsibilities and requirements. Interested candidates should fill out an application on-line at: – then click on Seasonal Application.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, and thank you in advance for spreading the word about this great opportunity!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, and thank you in advance for spreading the word about this great opportunity!


REPORTS TO: Guest Services Director

The Gift Shop Supervisor is responsible for providing a high level of service to Snow Mountain Ranch guests and staff. The Gift Shop Supervisor trains, supervises and guides all gift shop employees & volunteers. This individual is responsible for correct cash procedures, a clean shop and a well-merchandised sales floor.

1.Possess a positive attitude towards serving guests and supervising staff.
2.Train all new Gift Shop employees & volunteers.
3.Make weekly work schedules.
4.Complete and review mid season and end of season evaluations with Gift Shop employees & volunteers.
5.Responsible for pricing procedures on incoming merchandise.
6.Perform and/or oversee daily inventory.
7.Maintain appropriate levels of inventory by assisting the Guest Services Director in ordering and re-ordering merchandise.
8.Monitor daily income reports.
9.Communicate job performance concerns with the Guest Services Director.
10.Operate the cash register, telephone and credit card machine.
11.Clean facilities and equipment. Maintain a neat and well-organized work area.
12.Restock merchandise on a regular basis.
13.Maintain an accurate and balanced “Daily Income Report.”
14.Maintain accurate accountability of money in cash box and register. Able to count back change to customers.
15.Complete opening and closing procedures as scheduled.
16.Take initiative and motivate others to find things to do during slow times.
17.Operate commercial popcorn popper & coffee cart.
18.Speak English fluently
19.Be able to move throughout the Gift Shop for an eight-hour shift.
20.Perform basic math functions with calculator.
21.Reflect YMCA core values in all functions - caring, honesty, responsibility, respect & faith.

1.Lift 30 pounds.
2.Participate in annual inventory (early January).
3.Communicate maintenance needs to B&G.
4.Move merchandise from attic storage to Gift Shop as needed.
5.Other duties as assigned.

In addition to the grooming standards outlined in the Seasonal Staff Handbook, the following applies:

A staff vest or shirts with the YMCA of the Rockies logo will be issued to each seasonal employee from May to August and December to April. You will be required to wear this uniform while on duty. A neat and clean appearance is required at all times. Work boots or hiking boots recommended. No open toed shoes. Long work pants/jeans. No shorts.

Employees are held accountable for all duties of this job.
This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, responsibilities or qualifications associated with this job.

Sherri's Daycare

Friend Sherri runs a daycare in her home. We stopped in yesterday and she had cuties Olivia and Tyler on her lap.

Current Location Lake Anita Iowa

Pictured below are Coots on Lake Anita. Butch gets a charge out of making them take off for the water. Of course, it is easy to do.

We are at Lake Anita, a favorite spot while doing our annual doctor business. Our first appt. is Thursday when Butch visits the dentist. Next one is Tuesday when we both see the eye doctor in the morning and Angel sees the vet in the afternoon. Final appt is Friday the 8th when we see our family physician for annual refills on meds. Then we will be good to go!
Next stop- hometown Jefferson Iowa.

Monday, April 27

Visiting Missouri Kids

Amanda and Brad fixed supper for us and then we went for a walk.

Amanda and Brad have a new puppy. Eva Noel was born on Christmas eve. We have here a family photo of Amanda holding Eva and Brad holding Shelley Belle.

Susan holding Eva