Sunday, March 31

Day 3 of recovery

I am better. It is a gradual process even more so now that I have some age on me.  I asked Butch if he was ready to be done with being Dobby, the house elf and he said no because it means we are a team and he likes that idea and quite frankly so do I.😍

It is raining here today and it is much heavier than we usually see. We even have lightning! We had planned to go out for our traditional Sunday breakfast but with the heavy rain, we decided to postpone those plans.

I have been sleeping in the recliner. The sinus people want me to elevate my head at least 45 degrees. But last night I tried sleeping in the bed for a little while but I discovered after a couple hours that I was better off in the recliner. I was getting clogged up and dried out so the recliner it will be until I am declared well. I slept better last night than I have for what seems like a very long time.

The park model that Dave and Liz lived in when we first came to TrophyGardens was a short way down the block from us. But then they sold it and moved to what they call the North 40 into a Mobile home. And yesterday their former park model left the park so that meant lots of Looky-Lou's on our street. It is a fascinating process to watch.

And here is one of the reasons we do not have a pet.

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