Friday, April 5

Day 8 of Recovery

It sure has made coming up with a title for my posts easier. I will stop come Monday and go back to being more creative.
I am feeling fine. Normal. That is good. Yesterday afternoon we were invited to a gathering at Liz and Dave's old lot where their trailer used to be for a goodbye celebration. There was very little shade so the party moved to another lot and unfortunately the pest control people were working next door so I cut out and came back home. I was told to avoid cleaning supply smells so I imagined pest control smells might be even worse and I am not taking any chances with my new found relief.

The weather this morning is foggy. It is early(7:25) though so hopefully it will burn off.

Butch has a bad case of Hitch Itch. He is ready to move on up the road and has visions of lawn mowing in his head. Patience has never been one of his long suits.

Liz and Dave watching Kristi approach

Not ready yet

L to R, Karen, Bruce, Butch, Chuck, Connie, Kristi, Dave and Liz

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