The Story of Rudolph's Secret Friends
By Amy Friedman
You all know the story of Rudolph's red nose
And the way that great reindeer led Santa through snows,
Through fog, sleet and cold on one dark Christmas night.
Oh, yes, Rudolph's nose gave off just enough light.
You know that the other deer taunted and teased
Poor Rudolph, who was not one tiny bit pleased.
You know that when Santa could not find his way,
It was Rudolph's red nose that saved the whole day!
You know that the reindeer were tangled and lost,
And that it was Santa who knew the great cost
Of losing his way in the fog and the cold,
And the story of Rudolph...oh that you've been told.
But you don't know the story of a dog so kind,
And of a swell chipmunk with a very quick mind.
Their names were Sweet Nell and Wonderful Godfrey.
And this is the story that they told to me.
See, none of the reindeer would play or converse
With our Rudolph, who thought he lived with a curse.
He cried, for he had not a single comrade.
Poor Rudolph, he was a sad lonely lad.
Then one day that chipmunk named Godfrey
Was scurrying along when he stopped at a tree.
He met up with Nell, with her wiggling tail,
And off those two trotted, when they spotted a trail.
They followed that trail – it was soaked with wet tears, And there was poor Rudolph alone with his fears.
"What's this?" Nell asked Godfrey.
"A sad deer at Christmas? We can't have this, Godfrey, We simply can't have this!"
"What's wrong?" Godfrey asked, tickling Rudolph's nose.
Nell wiggled her tail, then straightened Rudolph's bows.
"Don't cry little deer, for you know you will shine.
"It's Christmastime and you should feel fine!"
Well, Rudolph told those two the tale of his woes.
Blaming all of his troubles on his big bright red nose.
“I've no friends, no allies! I am far too weird.
"I've even tried growing a bushy red beard!
"Alas nothing works." Rudolph wept more and more tears, And Nell tried to comfort him, rubbing his ears..
Godfrey kept saying "There's nothing wrong here
“That two friends can't fix with a little good cheer."
"We'll be your friends, Rudolph. We love your red nose.
"We love your sweet eyes and your festive red bows.
"We love you because you are kind and you're smart. "You're just like a reindeer should be – you have heart!"
"I'm a strange kind of reindeer with a peculiar hue.
"Just look at my nose – it's so red that I'm blue!
"Yet you say you like me?" And to Rudolph's surprise
Nell took a hanky and wiped her friends eyes.
And beginning on that cold day in December
--Now you listen closely, for you must remember –-
Rudolph learned exactly what most of you know:
That friends are the best things to have, rain or snow.
When Christmas came that year, all dense with thick fog, There right beside Rudolph were the chipmunk and dog.
But Santa did not see those two friends on that night,
For Nell and Godfrey chose to stay out of sight.
They were cuddled up just under Rudolph's red bed
When they peeked out and all they could see
Was that red nose of Rudolph's as he flew up into the sky, And they only had time to call out. "Friend goodbye!"
"Go, Rudolph! You're brave and you're strong, they both cheered.
As they saw that it was dear Rudolph who steered
Santa's sleigh through the darkness, around every cloud. While the bells on the sleigh jingle-jangled aloud.
They waved and they called out and then fell asleep.
And then the next morning they were piled in a heap
When Santa and Rudolph returned after dawn.
"Wake up!" Rudolph said "It's now Christmas morn!"
Then those two awakened and smiled at the sight
Of Rudolph so happy! "Oh, what a delight!
"He's smiling," Nell cried. "Santa knows what we knew! "He's a reindeer with heart. He is good strong and true!"
Rudolph grinned and said,"Yes, yes, I guided the way!
"My nose was a beacon! I saved Christmas Day!
"And you, with your friendship, inspired me to do this. "So you Nell and Godfrey, helped Santa save Christmas!"
Now later that morning when you were awake. Busy opening your gifts, busy eating sweet cake.
Dear Santa was flying way up through the skies
With his three new friends , the three famous allies!
But up until now, Nell and Godfrey were a mystery.
Their friendship a secret in Christmastime history.
For both Nell and Godfrey are very shy creatures.
And never in pictures. Have you seen their features?
Except if you squint up at Santa's bright sleigh,
You'll see Nell and Godfrey calling, "Hip Hip Hooray!" Cheering on their friend Rudolph, while Santa brings toys
To all the good girls and to all the good boys!
And it's Rudolph the reindeer who knows that a friend
Is the best gift of all gifts – and that is the end!

In January 1939 Montgomery Ward & Co. asked young copywriter named Robert L. May to come up with some ideas for a special book to give to children during Christmas season. May finished his poem about Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer in late August. Montgomery Ward printed it and handed out more than 2 million copies that year. Children were instantly charmed by the story of Rudolph and his brilliant red nose.
During World War II, Rudolph went into hibernation, but in 1946, Montgomery Ward again published the book and in 1947 a small children's book publisher brought out an edition that sold 100,000copies in two years. May's friend Johnny Marks wrote the famous Rudolph song in 1949 and with Gene Autry's recording the song climbed to No.1 and sold 2 million copies during its first Christmas season. A filmed version of the story was made in 1964, and the story and song have now been translated into more then 25 different languages.