Monday, October 13

Whatcha doin?

Oh not much...My morning routine is to make coffee then fire up this old computer. First I go to my home page which happens to be iGoogle. I have it set up for various things like the weather in various locations and different news feeds. I have a ToDo list on it, a dictionary and travel direction finder. There are all kinds of gadgets that can be added. If one of the headlines grabs my attention I may click on it but most of the time I pass on the negativity. Even more so of late. Then I check the Atlantic News Telegraph. When you live in an area for twenty years the ties bind at least a little. Then I check the Des Moines Register.
After that it is time to check email. In there will be messages from friends that I answer first unless I do not know the answer and then it may wait till I find out. I subscribe to several newsletters that come on various days. There are a couple of techie ones with computer info, a few Swedish weaving ones and and I am sure there are ones that are not coming to mind right off.
Of course then it is time to do the puzzle. Butch and I have competed on this for years. Sometimes he wins and sometimes I do. It seems to go in streaks. We have signed up for the daily puzzle to arrive in email everyday and we always do the 48 piece classic.
And then I might put something on the blog and that is easier if we have been busy. Right now we are not and thus the ramblings.
After Butch gets up and we have a bite to eat we will get our walk in.

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