Wednesday, March 3

Butch Update-Wednesday

 Butch got some information from a nurse practitioner after raising Cain about not getting any information. He complained to the night nurse and she called his surgeon at midnight and low and behold the right people showed up today with info.

He had two surgeries in one. They removed his gallbladder and then addressed the obstruction, which was scar tissue from an appendectomy when he was in his late teens, and in addition to that, his bowel had become twisted so they straightened it out. So his innards have had a lot happen in the past week.

Today I went to see him at noon. He has been able to pass gas and he is certain he could do better if he could get more walking in. The problem is a shortage of help (nurses) and they have a shortage of time. You have to admit that nurses have been heavily overworked in the past year. I would take him for a walk if I only knew how to disconnect him from his numerous attachments.

Some Good News. As I have gone to see him each day the matter in his gastric tube has been an ugly brown. But today it was a very pale green! I know there was bile in it but it was a very pale color and very clear. I got excited when I saw it and it became better and better as the afternoon went on. I do not think it will be long now when he can get the tube out. I think it will do wonders for him both mentally and physically.

And now for the other question I have been getting. Yesterday I went for my second "Fauci Ouchie" and no, I did not have a reaction. I do have a sore arm but not by any means severe. I slept well last night and felt completely normal all day. Butch's second Fauci Ouchie has been rescheduled for March 18th at 8:00AM. I hope by then our life has returned to a semblance of normal.

I plan to go back again tomorrow and stay as long as possible.

Stay tuned for further updates!

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