Monday, March 1

Butch update 2

 I came home from the hospital at about 4:30 pm yesterday. Butch called and said the surgeon had been in to see him and said he had an emergency surgery before him but he would be next after that. Butch said he would call after surgery (procedure?). I guesstimated that to be around 9 0r 10 pm giving him time to lose some grogginess. I went to bed at 10 with the phone near me. Still had not heard from him at 6 am so I waited till 6:30 and called him. No answer. My anxiety escalated so I called the McAllen Medical Hospital and eventually talked to his nurse. He had not been returned to his room until midnight. He called me then and his phone was too far away when I called. He is in a great deal of pain. Unusual for him to complain after surgery. They had just given him pain meds before I called. He said the surgeon will be in to see him this morning and he will call me then to give me an update on what they had done and where we go from here. I think the healing process is going to take a little longer this time than in the past. And I think the "procedure" was a bit more than he expected.

Stay tuned for Butch update 3 later today.

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