Friday, March 20

Life Changes

Sometimes life changes happen slowly over time and other times it happens instantly, as in a broken leg, and sometimes it is a double whammy and a Coronavirus Pandemic.
For me, I can't visit Butch in the hospital. We talk a few times a day on the phone. I will be picking him up and bringing him home on the 24th. We will both be ready to get our lives back to some semblance of normal. He now has permission for unsupervised movement within his hospital room using a walker. He is happy about that, however, we know he is being his true self as he is getting a bit impatient with the help and bordering on grumpy. He has learned to like the meals and I sure didn't think that would happen. So we can still get surprised!

Trophy Gardens has suspended all activities and shut down most of the facilities. The pool hall is closed. The restroom facilities are all closed because some deranged person decided to steal all the toilet paper. There are about 20 stalls at least in the men's room and also the women's room. That is a lot of toilet paper! In addition to that, buying cleaning supplies for the cleaning personnel has been hampered too. 2020 will always be associated with toilet paper!

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