Saturday, March 21

Border Story

A. and R. are in a motorhome on our street, almost directly across from us. I met them last year about this time when they were scoping our park for a place to land this season. They liked our spot but settled for the one across the street and they have learned to love it too. They are a good fit for Trophy. A. is a top-notch pool player and R. is a quilter. They both have many other talents as well.
Both Renie and Alex have been going to Progreso for extensive dental work...and then the pandemic came with talk of closing the border. A. finished up with his work yesterday leaving him exhausted and in pain. R. was scheduled to go back today. The border closed last night at midnight and R., knowing this was coming insisted they finish up her work as well. They needed some prep time to get that done so they sent her home and scheduled her for 6:00 pm last night. So she returned to Nuevo Progreso Mexico last night, alone to get her work finished. Alone, in Mexico, after dark,  hours before a border closing. I knew what she was up to so I watched for her return. With great relief I watched her pull in at 10:00 PM a mere 2 hours before the border closing. R. is one tough cookie in my opinion! I greatly admire her tenacity.

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