Friday, October 24

We have landed.

We are in our spot at Walnut Canyon RV Park in Canyon Lake Texas and will be here till mid November. Part of our thought process on this is we hurry on down to the Rio Grande Valley and then often times run the AC for a month. So we have a bunch of friends in the Canyon Lake area ( north of San Antonio) so why not stay here for a while and let it cool off in the good ol' RGV. We have often thought it would be a good idea to stop further north for a while but could never decide where to stop. Well now we have. At least for this year.
Our 3rd travel day went smoothly for the most part. There is tons of construction on 281 for anyone thinking of coming down this way. The most of it is from I-20 south to Lampasas Texas. It would not be bad in a car but it makes for narrow roads in a motorhome or 5th wheel. There are lane and edge drop offs for miles and miles. Butch decided to stop once and pulled off the road not realizing it was a big drop off. He threw things around in the motorhome pretty good. Fridge popped open with water bottles on the floor, laundry doors came open sending soap and vinegar bottles scattering. It took a while for clean up. It was probably the worst such incident we have had like that.
We are parked next to Gary and Lou who came to Iowa this summer and ended up helping us for a couple of weeks on our 3 season room for which we were very grateful.
After we were a bit settled in we went to the local VFW and met up with other SMR/ Canyon Lake friends for burgers and fries. And now we are home and I am trying to get caught up on the computer while Butch is watching the series.
All is good!

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