Tuesday, March 14

Cough,cough update

 We have both recovered somewhat. Butch is fine. We spent 6 hours in a free-standing ER yesterday with my ailment. Acute Bronchitis. Didn't get home till after 10:00 so will get my meds this morning. The good news is I was tested for covid twice in two days -both negative. We felt the 6-hour stay was excessive but they are understaffed and there was a shift change in there, which adds to the confusion. Other than that the care was excellent and they were very thorough. I enjoyed the nebulizer very much. It gave me instant relief. So back to normal!

Grocery store trips are taking on a different perspective since we are heading north in about a month. No large jars of anything. Nothing in excess that requires freezing. It is probably the biggest and most challenging part of the 6-month/6-month procedure.

The weather has taken a turn. It went from 100 degrees one day to 70 the next. Predicting the weather has always been iffy but it seems nearly impossible now. It seems that every prediction can turn into a major event of gargantuan proportions. I always check the weather on the entire route before we head out. We have only been caught off guard one time that I remember and that was in San Antonio; an 8-inch deluge on the interstate, in the motorhome lasting about 30 minutes. Expect the unexpected!

Tuesday Trivia tonight in the main hall at 6:30 PM. Two after this one then no more till fall. 

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