Thursday, March 9

And then...a head cold!

 Butch brought me a cold from the pool hall. Yes, we tested and yes we were negative. This brings back the days of old when every season I would get blessed with a head cold brought home from the pool hall.

There is nothing to do but medicate for it the best you can, stay away from people, sleep and wait. I am doing my best to achieve those goals. Every time I take a nap, and that is often, I hope to wake up and have it magically gone. So far that hasn't worked.

We had our place power washed by Steves Wash and Wax and they did an excellent job. The difference was amazing. I said it was my Birthday present because in the past Butch would insist he could do it and better than they could. And there may have been a time when that was true but looking up and working above his head brings about a great deal of pain and so it is time to take advantage of all that money you worked so hard to obtain. "Who are you saving it for?" is a common saying around our house these days.

The wind doth blow but we will have no snow and if we stay put we can continue to believe that to be true. It seems the first of March starts the exodus back north and we can never quite understand it because in the last 5 years or so there has been at least one snowstorm after we went back to Iowa in middle to late April.

We currently have no appointments anywhere and that is fine by me. I am ready to have the pace slow down a bit and we don't even participate in all the things we could.

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