Wednesday, March 15

Cough, Cough Update 2

 The difference, for those of you who have wondered, between Acute Bronchitis and any other kind is that the other kind is Chronic Bronchitis. You get the Acute status if it is the first time you have had it. Otherwise, you are Chronic. You can only be Acute once.😳

Another first time for me is taking liquid antibiotics. At the drug store, the clerk said, "I will be right back." as he took off for parts unknown. So when he returned I asked what he was doing and he said, "Mixing your antibiotic powder with water." I did not know this was something they did. It makes perfect sense though because when you swallow it coats your bronchia on the way down. The feeling is pleasant, the flavor is gawd awful! They flavor it with cherry but it doesn't taste like any cherry I have ever tasted.

I was well enough to get trivia done with the help of Renie. It went well. We had our usual 5 teams interspersed with some new faces. I heard lots of talk about who is going home and when so I know it is winding down and the teams will be much smaller for the next two trivia nights. I have wracked up several questions for our Iowa trivia players. If I have plenty of sessions in my bag of tricks it takes the pressure off.

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