Friday, August 5

Not too trivial...

 We had a full house last night for trivia. It was fun as it always is. We had four new people and 3 regulars who couldn't make it. It is funny how these things always work out. The ladies and Glen beat the fellas but it does swing back and forth. It is never completely one-sided.

I would still like a different night devoted to games such as 65 or fast track. I looked up the rules to 65 and printed them out. Playing these games infrequently makes it easy to forget the details of play.

Butch and I have been chipping away at the many things needed to be done around here and for a change, we feel like we have an upper hand. We have done the outside things in between hot spells. This weekend is setting up to be another triple-digit one.

I have been slack on taking photos but here are a few taken recently. An old satellite dish makes a great birdbath. This one has been serving that purpose for the past 8 years.

We frequently drive out to Spring Lake to see what is happening. These were taken yesterday and there weren't many folks around. It is usually much more crowded. Spring Lake holds many childhood memories for me.

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