Thursday, January 13

On the scale of...

 1 to 10, I am an 8. There are still a few remnants of a cold hanging around but if it were an ordinary time I would consider myself well enough to mingle. But with that 'C' word on everyone's radar I do not feel that is something I should do, thus the 8 rating. Butch is right behind me. He is still in bed, what else is there to do, or I would ask him to rate himself. I am sure he will be having a much better day than yesterday. It just seems logical. He slept well last night. We both did.

It is Thursday. I keep having to remind myself. Thursday is one of our rare free days where we decide to do something different and most likely outside of the park. Not today, however, and my biggest decision will be what to conjure up for supper. It is looking like it might be a "Barb's Concoction" day. I would rather it be an "El Dorado" day, or even an IHOP day. Not yet...BUT SOON!

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