Wednesday, April 8

Yup still here! Texas

Yesterday was one of our BIG days. We have 2 BIG days a week when we go to Physical Therapy. Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a 9 mile trip from here with about half of it being city-like traffic. That is it would be in former times or otherwise known as BC ( Before Coronavirus). The traffic seems to get lighter each time we go. Either that or I am getting used to it. Maybe both. I am also getting more advanced in my manipulation of the manual transmission. I have done some fancy gearshifting.

Butch's sessions with the therapist are an hour long. I drop him off and then wait in the car while either reading a book or listening to one. Yesterday everyone was wearing a mask. I thought they should have started earlier but better late than never. When everyone is masked everyone is adding another layer of protection.

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