Saturday, February 22

Sleep Gaps?

For years I have had gaps in my sleep. I would wake up about 2:00 or so and lay awake for sometimes as long as two hours. I learned to live with it. It irritated me when it happened but if I took a twenty-minute nap during the next day it didn't disrupt my day too much. Little did I know there was a solution. I was having trouble with cramps, especially at night. In searching for solutions I came across an article that gave a list of possible deficiencies that could be the root of the problem and Magnesium was one of them so I bought some, not knowing there are different forms of Magnesium.  Since taking Magnesium glycinate for about a month now I have not had even one night of sleep gap or cramps.
Here is some info: let's just say you do not want "Disaster Pants".
Which form of magnesium is best for sleep?
Magnesium glycinate for sleep
Magnesium glycinate is one of the most absorbable forms of magnesium capsules you can take. It's a good choice if you want to raise your levels quickly, and it's especially a good choice if you get disaster pants with other forms. Here is a more complete article of good info about Magnesium for sleep.

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