Wednesday, February 26


We are nearing the end of February and that alone seems preposterous but here we are, like it or not. We have started looking at a northward trip with an inkling of interest. When the weather seems summerlike here it gets the brain cells moving even knowing it is colder than the dickens up there and no place for us and our delicate condition. What is our "delicate condition" you ask? Extreme aversion to cold weather is the answer. After spending so many winters in the south the cold seems more than twice as bad when we have to deal with it.

Today we are having one of those cold snaps that remind us to stay put. The high of 61 has already been here at 7:20 am and they are promising a low of 39 tonight. Fortunately, these cold snaps are shortlived and by the weekend we will be enjoying summerlike weather once again.

Butch and Deon played in a mixed doubles pool tournament in the Golden Olympics held each season. They got past the first team but lost to the next two. I thought they played well having a chance in each game. I enjoyed watching it.
My game is improving but still has a ways to go to be much of a challenge to anyone. I am continuing to work on it and still enjoy it.

Till next time!!

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