Sunday, March 24

Some are headed north

A few more people pack up and leave every day. I was able to watch a whole movie on NetFlix a couple of days ago. I am housebound with the air on once again. Thursday last was a beautiful day so I went for a walk and that was day 2 because I had walked the day before as well. But Thursday night with a cool breeze coming in the open window my left nostril starting feeling fuzzy and shortly after one of the massive headaches grabbed hold once again. I had gone about 3 weeks without one and almost felt like I was home free. Guess not.

There have been a bunch of going away parties in the last few weeks. Thank God we are not invited to most of them. If I could choose one word to wrap up all the negatives to being here for a season it would be "FOOD". Everything revolves around it and there is way too much of it too often. I have learned a thing or two because I only take and eat what I truly love and then only a spoonful of it and that seems to work fairly well. One place the food phenomena doesn't seem to happen is the pool hall and I appreciate that.

Next time...

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