Sunday, November 18

Being Hopeful

The road back to health has been longer and more tentative than any in my memory. Perhaps an indication of the years I have traveled on this earth but who the heck wants to admit that! I would get to feeling better and then have another headache and another setback. I thought perhaps I should consult a doctor but since I rarely agree with or like what they tell me I saved it for my last resort. I am still saving it. A couple of days ago I felt well enough to return to my walking routine. I came home and immediately knew I had stepped over the line. So time passed and I felt better and while playing cards in a group the lady beside me started recounting her frequent and sudden headaches and low and behold I found a friend in pain! Symptoms and results were the same and now that I know someone else in the same boat I have a bit more hope there will be an end to it.

Yesterday I once again had a headache. Fought through it to play some pool. Came home and rested a bit and then went on a trip to visit Magnolia friends. I miss them. It is good to talk to them for many reasons and one of them is that we have made the right decision for us. We have not established a predictable routine and it will most likely be a while before we do. Things are still in flux.

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