Friday, July 31

Busy week-But aren't they all!

Our squirrel decided he wanted a bit of variety in his diet. We had a container of stale peanuts, that we now and then threw a handful on the ground for the birds. We left the container on the 3 season room back step and it was on the platform. One day I noticed it was down a step or two but didn't think too much about it as Butch has been known to move things a bit, then one day I caught the culprit. Resourcefulness is definitely in their DNA so I know in time he could get the lid off and enjoy the peanuts. We seem to interrupt his progress just often enough to keep him from his treasure.

John and Alice Hamilton Party
I know you may find it hard to believe, but John is another member of the class of '61. Big surprise huh? John didn't leave Jefferson. He stayed and created a very successful concrete business. 
Pictured below from left: John, Jack H., Dwight T. and Butch.
 Darrell Millard and his wife Linda and Mickey.
 Jerilyn Denman and Judy Peacock Wills
 Pat, Judy, ?, Jayne
 Mickey talking to Jerilyn and Judy. Ed Lawson, Mardel getting a short nap and Kay Taylor.

 Jack L. waiting for John to finish up with those burgers.
 Colleen enjoying her cone.
                          And visiting with Darrell.

And last but not least this morning try at getting pics of a beautiful morning and a spray plane.

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