Saturday, November 28

Full Day

Yesterday was a full day for both of us. I had computer class in the morning and we were able to iron out a few trouble issues. When I left the hall I found Butch helping Larry Ergen clean up the shuffleboard court. Peggy and I got a walk in while Butch was still busy.
Then Peg and I decided to go to Costco because they had pork loins on sale for $10 off. We loaded up by making two trips into the store. After calculations, we paid less than $1 a pound for it. That was our Black Friday coup for this year.

Another bit that happened yesterday was that I found an item online that I wanted to buy but when I tried the website was down and I could not get the purchase completed. I have never had that happen before. So I waited a couple of hours and tried again. Didn't get it finished because I had to leave for Costco. I thought it no big deal and would do it when I came home. So on the news last night they gave the best shopping tip for the season. When you see a good price on something check the same item on Amazon to find out if it is a good deal. I decided to do that. Actually it is usual for me to do that but it had slipped my mind. I saved $30 for all the delay. It was $30 cheaper on Amazon.
Comparison shopping is always a good idea.

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