Friday, September 4

Would you believe!

Our neighbors to the south moved out. It is a rental. We liked them because they kept the yard clean and mowed. We found out they moved out due to a severe mouse infestation catching as many as 8 in a day. Our alarms went off so yesterday Butch bought 2 traps and set them in the garage and in less than 24 hours we caught 2 mice. So our alarms went off even louder and we upped the ante on them today. Stay tuned for further developments...and a death count.

I have 3 plastic file cabinets for hanging files with lids. I asked Butch to make a different lid for it. A flat lid so I could use it as a side table. He obliged as he is wont to do when I ask. Bless his heart. So I now have two little handy side tables with storage.

Colleen is headed west to see her son and his wife and will be out there for about 3 weeks. Then she will be back for a week and then off to Cincinnati to stay with her daughter and her husband for a while before going south. I miss her already. Today I rode my bike instead of walking and I snapped a few photos. The trail is decorated with wind chimes in preparation for a biking event this weekend. I wonder if they took the birds into consideration before doing this. I am guessing not.
The river is still riding high but it is perhaps 2 feet lower than the last time I was out this way.

 I love Pampas grass and the silvery flags

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