Friday, June 5


Spent most of yesterday on yard work. Finally getting a break in the persistent rain. We have been putting the finishing touches on things. We are closer to being picture ready.
Here are some teasers. Butch has been feeding the squirrels. Not at all sure this is a good idea and even more so when I saw 5 of them playing race and chase in the yard. In case you are curious yes, that is a satellite dish now used as a bird feeder/waterer. Cannot think of a better use for one
Beautiful sunset last night but there is a price to pay for living in town.

Yesterday Butch and I went to the A & W for a root beer and we were grubby so we used the drive in service. Butch turned on the radio and the BeeGees were singing. I said, "They are singing something woman but I cannot make it out. Do you know what it is?" Butch said, "Four legged woman." I laughed so hard the tears ran down my face! I know- it was just one of those moments. Butch said, "Gotta picture, huh?" I said, "uh, huh". And started all over again! The actual song is "More than a Woman" and I looked it up to be sure.

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