Sunday, May 31

Auction fun!

A while back son Jason asked me to find tractor seats because he had a craft project that he needed two tractor seats to complete. So yesterday we went to an auction in Jefferson and there were two tractor seats! So I called Jason and he switched gears for the day and came to Jefferson. Laura and Ethan came with him and we had a fun impromptu day! 

And by the way, Jason bought his two tractor seats. Ethan spotted this car, took temporary ownership and entertained himself for most of the auction. Jason tried to get it for him, but it went for more than Jason planned to spend.

 Jason also bought something that this cane came with so Ethan took a break from the car long enough to pretend he was an old man. That was pretty funny too because he was good at it.

After we came back to Jason's after the auction Ethan set up his microphone and played auction for a bit and then decided to put on a show, lining up chairs in his pretend theater for us to sit on. We adults were a little bit cooperative, but it became clear that there really wasn't going to be a show. As it ended he said everyone attending would get a free toy and handed them out. He then said, "You get what you get and be thankful for it." That cracked us up!

Jason wanted me to get a photo of this ivy covered building not too far from his place because he does not think it will be standing too much longer.

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