Sunday, December 15

Old email addresses

Sometimes an email address will get hijacked. It happens too darn often actually. I have had it happen and so I changed my password making it tougher. But then it happened again! And then again! And I am thinking, come on now I have done everything I can. Am I going to have to change my email address? I completely forgot about an old roadramblin yahoo email. A few months ago Yahoo stated that if you had not accessed an email account in a years time it would be deleted. It had been well over a year so I dismissed it as done. So after Leo alerted me to a problem I started thinking about how it could have happened and remembered that old email account. So I checked it out. And sure enough I was able to go to the account using that really old and very easy password and all my info was there plus all my contacts! At first I could not find a way to delete the account but finally googled it and it was quite easy. In so doing they did say the account was deactivated but would not be completely gone until 90 days had passed. They said if I pressed that confirm button I would not be able to get into the account. I just this minute tried it and it would not let me in but it did say to press here to reactivate the account. I do not like this! I do not know how hard it would be for someone with an evil intent to reactivate my account. The only thing that gives me comfort is that I changed that little easy password right before I deactivated the account. They would have to know that password to reactivate it.
So I am telling you if you decide to eliminate an old email account change the password first as an extra precaution.
Do you have an old email you no longer use? Check to see if you can get into it. If you can after an extended length of time so can others.

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