Monday, November 18

Heat and Humidity

Tonight on the news the weatherman said the "cold" front headed our way is going to stall out just north of the lower valley and then in a day or two it will turn around and head north as a warm front. I bet you have always wondered where those warm fronts come from and now you know. The cold fronts come down here and get warmed up then turn around and go the other way! Who knew?!

He also said that Sunday would feel... I am trying to remember the word and can't... but he meant it would be a real cold front and it would get here and be genuine. I may do some baking that day. I have been wanting to make Bernie's Fruitcake. We will always remember you and your fruitcake Bernie Craig.

This mornings beginning outdoor temp was 75 degrees and the air hit like a wet cloth the minute you opened the door. Butch came to get me because they needed another shuffler and I said I would fill in. It was fun and I am glad I did.
Till next time...

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