Monday, December 3

One more thing...

I forgot to tell you another interesting little side story to the movie adventure.When Butch and I chose our seats we went into the row by two seats leaving two empty seats next to the aisle. And there were two empty seats on the other side of us as well. Shortly a Hispanic couple came and chose the two aisle seats and shortly after that a French Canadian couple came on the other side of us. I thought it was a bit strange that the six of us were all watching a movie about "Lincoln". It was something that caught me a bit by surprise. Surprising but nice.

December business meeting today. Glad that is out of the way. 2 down 3 to go.

Today was hot and humid. I hear that much of the country is having record setting high temps. Well we are too except down here it doesn't seem like it. They did say a cold front was coming through in a few days but we wouldn't probably notice the difference but drier air was behind it.

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