Tuesday, August 23

Sunday Ride

Sunday I went for a bike ride in the morning. Sunshiny perfect weather for a ride. I went a little further than the last time. As I am riding along with birds singing, crickets chirping, wildflowers blooming and the sunlight playing in the shadows of trees, I was wishing I could share the time, place and conditions with every one of you. That is what brought me here. 

Butch continued working on the breezeway wanting to get it closed in asap. Yesterday we made a run to Des Moines with Leo's pickup to get some storm doors for the breezeway. We were also lucky enough to find a new shower door for the moho. Ours went bad and there was no fixing it. Really...we even called the manufacturer of the motorhome and the company that made the shower door is no longer in business and we had looked in all the usual shower door buyng places. Then yesterday we stopped at Plumb Supply and they could order one that would fit and we were happy. Then by chance we stopped at Menards and wonder of wonders they had one in stock that would fit. I am saying all this with the hope that it will fit as it isn't installed just yet. The measurements are correct so we will see. I will be happy. When I shower Butch has to help me and yes I do know how that sounds. The door has to be lifted in order to settle into place and I am unable to do that so I get into the shower and he shuts the door for me. I can get out after my shower but he once again has to close the door. It is a pain for me and I am sure for him too. Grateful and happy I will be when we once again have a shower door that works. AND that was the third thing to go amiss on the motorhome so hopefully we are back in a smooth place.

So now- Do you see the howling Coyote in this cloud?
Taken yesterday while waiting for Butch at Plumb Supply.

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