Monday, May 23

Rain Barrel

Well I did what I could to induce a drought. I bought a rain barrel. I had been looking at them in various places for the past few weeks. In my shopping I looked them up on Craigslist and found a deal. $60 for one that is shipped to our door. That was about the best deal I could find. We had seen one in Atlantic last Thursday at Cappels for $109.95. That made $60 sound pretty good. I should be getting it in the next few days and I will take a picture of it for you. If anyone is interested I can give you more details about it.
Today was laundry day again. I am not really that organized to have laundry day on Monday. It just worked out that way.
I rode my bike uptown this morning to stop at city hall and order a dumpster. Wouldn't you know- they do not have any right now but hope they can get one for us sometime this week.
I also worked on the travel trailer today. Cleaned it up and washed linens. Sanitized the water system. It is very near ready for overnight guests.
Butch took out a few more boards in the house and got the oil changed in the Hyundai. Then he went out to Leo and Keri's to finish up a couple of chores.
We hope all our friends in the Joplin area are okay. They have been very much in our thoughts and prayers. We are very familiar with that part of Missouri. What is worse is they are under warnings again tonight.

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