Friday, May 27

Tried to

I tried to post yesterday but a combo of things kept it from happening. None of it interesting enough to relate. Blame it on Verizon.
Butch has been into demolition to a great degree and golf to a lesser one.  He is tearing off drywall in a systematic manner to have a look at the bones of the place. I have been working on the exterior and the curb appeal part. We are going to move the rain barrel to a less conspicuous location as soon as it is empty. It is too big and ugly to be so front and center.
Yesterday friends Mickey and Jayne stopped by. They were in town to visit the cemeteries. We did that yesterday as well. They didn't stay long enough to suit me but we have a class reunion coming up in a couple of weeks and I will see them then.
After returning from the cemeteries I started cleaning the garage door and front step with that abundant rainwater in preparation for painting. They cleaned up and dried quickly so decided to paint, choosing the steps to start. In so doing I d___  near killed my back. I was afraid it was serious and permanent last night but it is much better this morning.
Leo and Butch went golfing last night and when Leo stopped by he had some of Keri's freshly made lemon bars to offer and they were scrumptious. Thanks Keri! I must say to Peggy and Kay when one cooks door closes another cooks door opens!
I planned to start on the garage door today but rain is going to save me so will do some indoor things instead and give my back a break. OOPS...Give my back a rest.
Till next time...
Correction: Whoops. I guess they were Norma Milligan's Lemon Bars. Keri would have given me on had they been hers. wink, wink

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