Saturday, January 8

Off to a rough start

Butch's cold is a humdinger and after watching others suffer for two to three weeks with it he decided he was going to the doctor early and see if he could nip it in the bud. The doctor said she was glad he had decided to do that because it helps to catch it early. They checked to make sure it wasn't the flu. They did this with a nasal swab. It wasn't the flu. So they gave him an injection (anti-inflammatory) recommended some over-the-counter allergy meds. And gave him a script for antibiotics and cough syrup. He now has his arsenal to do battle with this thing so we have high hopes for a rapid recovery. We did have to sit in the doctors office for about two hours- thus the rough start. So my day never did pick up speed. We ate lunch/breakfast at the garage sale as we were too late for breakfast.
This evening we went to the El Dorado for supper. It was packed! Typical for January and February down here. It becomes super busy wherever you go. More traffic. Grocery stores are busier etc. To top it off there was a lady at the next table making  an ass of herself complaining about everything. People like her make the rest of us look really bad. I would not be surprised if her waiter didn't spit in her food before serving it. HA! I should have told her that!!

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