Friday, January 7

New neighbors and other stuff

Donn and Peggy have arrived from Nevada. It is a 2000 mile trip for them so they were glad to arrive. They have not had much time to put their feet up yet. It always takes about a week to settle in and that is true anytime so I am thinking it will take much longer when this is your first time coming down and settling into a new home. There are touches of settling in showing up- a hanging plant out front and some new yard art etc. As time goes on I am sure we will see many changes.
Butch has a head cold and I have little inklings of one so from the first little tickle I have been using Zicam swabs and the Nettie Pot. I warded off the last threat and I hope to do the same this time.
I read our weather forecast a few minutes ago and we are supposed to get severe thunderstorms Saturday night and Sunday morning. A VERY RARE occurrence down here. I have heard a rumble of thunder here before but only once in my memory have I heard a rip snorter of a thunderstorm and that was over ten years ago. We were visiting Marlene and Bernard in Harlingen at the time and our car was totaled with hail damage from that one. Very memorable. I hope this storm coming in isn't that memorable.

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