Wednesday, June 2

Thunder Bay Resort Today

The RV site we have is very nice here. I love the patio furniture instead of a clunky picnic table. Much more

This is the backside of our car. I could throw a rock and hit the # 4 tee box or the # 3 green. Butch loves being close enough to hear the ping of a club making contact with a golf ball throughout the day.

The practice range is across the street west from our RV. Everything is handy and close. I had planned to count the steps from number 1 tee box to our RV but as it happens we are at the far end of the RV park so it is about a city block walk. Too many steps to be impressive. For our friends who do not have RV's you could gather up a foursome and stay in the suites,villas or chalet. They are all set up to accommodate a number of people or not. Depending on your choice..
We are in a beautiful part of Michigan. Very rural and non-touristy.

The seniors played this morning and Butch was among them. These two fellows were looking for a golf ball. Imagine that!!

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