Friday, June 4

Couples Golf plus other stuff

Wednesday night we played in the couples golf event. We had a great time with Trish and Dan and Wanda and Tom. It was the first time I had played golf since March and the first time for a couples event since June of 2006 in Atlantic. We did well as a team and won prizes. Enjoyed Pizza after in the grill.
Yesterday Butch and I went on a road trip after he played golf with his co-workers in the morning.
We went to Alpena,Pop.10,465, 23 miles east of Hillman, to do some shopping. Alpena is a big surprise for a town of its size although I imagine the population swells considerably in the summer months. Besides that it is the largest town around for quite some area. In looking around we spotted 3 McDonalds and it is the largest WalMart Supercenter we have ever seen anywhere. It took a long time to walk from one side to the other and they were busy although not crazy busy like in other places. It also seemed to be well staffed and that is another contrast. And the clerks were friendly, courteous and helpful! We also stopped at a Super K-Mart while in town. I have always liked K-Mart. The parking lot and the aisles of the store were empty of people. It is really sad but I told Butch this store isn't long for this world. A business cannot stay afloat without customers. We purchased some shorts for Butch and he picked up some golf balls on sale, another story there.

Thunder Bay Golf course eats golf balls all day long! By my standards it is a tough course. I like my golf easy so I plan to center all my golf around Butch's help. The couples golf is a scramble which means you all share the burden of playing the hole. On this course I need all the help I can get. There is water, sand and lots of distance. I will say the greens are the best I have played anywhere. They are not razor fast and they have enough character to make you think about how to play it but not so much that you 4 putt every hole. End of story.

We purchased the bulk of our groceries at WalMart, simply because we are familiar with layout and products but we also stopped at Perch's IGA, a small grocery store in another part of town. They have an excellent meat department. We purchased a steak for supper and a couple pounds of hamburger for Runza casserole. (Butch can hardly wait.) We will definitely be buying our meat there and as we get better acquainted with the store we will buy other things as well. Oh and the prices! We are finding nearly everything comparable to prices in Iowa. Colorado always had us cringing when looking at price tags but Michigan is much, much better.

We came back to TBR (Thunder Bay Resort) and Butch grilled our steaks. Long time since we have had a steak. After supper he went on a couple of electrical service calls. I am working on a wedding afghan and I am really liking it. I may have to make one like it for myself. So we are settling in and getting acquainted with our new surroundings.
Having fun in Michigan ...till next time...

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