Monday, September 23

Oh the trouble I've seen...

 Back to the phone issue. I spent a big chunk of time for three days trying to get Butch's phone number transferred to his new phone. Everyone on both sides of this issue told me it was possible. I tried somewhere in the teens times to get it done.

Finally, I ran into a fellow who gave me confidence because of the questions he asked me and the numbers he needed from me. His bottom line was it cannot be done. The two systems are not compatible. So then I asked for a new number to be assigned to him and that has been done. I am not posting it here of course but if you are one of the many who may want it get in touch with me. It was a stressful three days and I am resting much easier now.  One of my biggest stresses is having things hanging that need to be resolved but are taking a long time with many facets of unanswered questions. 

On to other matters... We have one more trivia session before I hang it for the season on this end. Glenn took some photos last week and passed them along to me.

We have two teams and the women and men are divided up. I encourage mixing it up a bit but it never seems to happen. We do have room for more if you want to join us on Thursday nights at 6:30. Thursday is the last one this season.

Everyone seems to enjoy it and as long as that is the case I will continue. I have been doing this since 2016 and I  save my questions. I have a fairly large library of questions now so when I am super busy I look at my archives and recycle.

Here is a newspaper article about Glenn...

Everyone has a story and I do enjoy knowing what your story is.

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