Friday, September 27

Time Flew

 Son Gary was here for a few days, mainly to retrieve his camper. I told him he could keep it here for the winter but he said there are things inside he might need, like fishing poles. So golf, pool, and cribbage were played as usual and he participated in the last Trivia go-round as well. Son Rich came to trivia and we caught up on news from that branch of the family.

Just happened to run across this pic of Gary and his grandaughter Elise. Elise is now 14! Gary has always enjoyed his role as father and grandfather. 

Also while he was here I cooked an old favorite, Skillet Spaghetti. It is one of those quick ones from the years when the boys were in their teens and I needed quick fixes. I also thought Gary should keep it in mind since he is the retired one in his family and also does a fair amount of cooking.

Every now and then I go through my recipe box and see what comes up to jog my memory. This recipe is the result of one of those excursions.

The last Trivia session of the season took place last night and a good time was had by all. The time for heading South is fast approaching and every day a baby step or two is taking place in that direction. We had some touch-up painting done on the house so a few yard items had to be moved and now they will stay moved. The todo list is getting shorter all the time.

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