Thursday, December 14

This and that

 My friend from our Magnolia years, Deon uses 'This and That' when she posts something difficult to label. We need to get to Trails End and visit our Magnolia family.

Our friend and neighbor Sandi is home from the hospital. She has what they call Pyloric thickening. Another of those things that can happen to people of an age. You can do a google search for an explanation if you want to know more. We are glad she is home because the neighborhood has a big hole if she isn't here! 

I would like to say there are not enough hours in the day to get done all I would like to do. However, that is not entirely true. 24 hours is plenty but my energy clock is winding down. We have both become members of the Nodding Off generation. While watching TV, we might just nod off. We are both healthy and happy and that is more than enough to live on.

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