Friday, August 11

This might be lengthy...

" All in favor, say EYE!"

A little more than a week ago I had an event. I was watching TV and on the screen, a car went very fast. Suddenly my eyes started giving me a super fast slideshow. I sat on the edge of my chair and looked off in another direction, closed my eyes keeping them closed for a while. When I next opened them I looked to the side, away from the screen and I still experienced a little jumpiness in my vision. As you might imagine this was quite unsettling. I called the doctor and found out that she wasn't in for a few days. When I could get in, I told her about the event. She said the first thing that we should do is a visual test to find out if it's my eyes, ears, or brain. I called Wolfe Clinic right away and told them that my medical doctor wanted me to be seen and they got me in that day. I had been struggling with some dizziness, very minor dizziness for a couple of years. In fact, I gave up riding a bicycle because of it. When they started doing the exam I discovered I had very little clear vision in my left eye. It was as if I were looking at a foggy day. After the exam, they tell me my vision is very good in both eyes. He said he found a little bit of scar tissue in my left eye along the edge and didn't think it was that bad! However, he did say that it has been his experience that what may not look bad to him can look very bad to the patient. He suggested we do some lasering and see if it helps. It only takes about 5 minutes and that is when I fully realized how terrible my vision had been for a couple of years! The last time I had an exam was in Texas and I knew at that time that my vision was not good on the left side. I told the doctor that but he said it wasn't bad enough to do anything about yet but maybe in a year. Well, it was bad and he had no idea!. My vision is now so clear it is as startling as it was when I first had the cataracts removed! Everything is crystal clear. And even better, the mild dizziness has gone away. It was more of an uneasiness than dizziness. I was not aware of the many ways it was affecting me until it was gone. Everything is easier now. I can walk when it is dark without feeling I need to hold on to something. Before, no matter the task, I needed more light. I have a new lease on life! What a surprise.

When I had the “event” I wanted to google it and could not decide what to call it. I landed on “visual dizziness”. 

This is what I found; Visual vertigo differs slightly from conventional vertigo. Instead of being associated with inner ear problems, it is closely associated with a condition called Binocular Vision Dysfunction, or BVD for short. Visual vertigo occurs when there is too much visual stimulation for your brain to cope.

Now I can cope!

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