Wednesday, March 8

Yes, I did it again

I was sitting at the kitchen table doing Diamond art when I happen to think about how long has it been since I posted. so I came over to the computer and found out it has been several days. and quite a lot has happened in several days, nothing really significant. 

This is going to be a rant. A while back I purchased a new computer. It was a Microsoft product. I had a few issues with it but figured it was because of all the new-fangled stuff and that I would soon get used to it. The very first thing I noticed was that it was very slow about half the speed of my Chromebook. The second thing was the files to apps and it seemed they had wiped out many of the things I counted on using, mostly related to pictures. I was still willing to stumble through and find solutions but then I didn’t shut down my computer one night and noticed at about 3:00 AM that it was running so I closed the lid. At about 5:30 AM, I noticed it was still running! So I figured it must have been a large update and went back to bed. When I next noticed my computer at about 8:00AM it was still running so I gave it my attention and noticed it was VERY hot. And it would not let me shut it down in a preferred manner so I shut it down in an unpreferred manner and let it cool off. After it cooled off I restarted it and much to my surprise I lost the Network/Internet driver. By this time I am as hot as the computer! So I put it all aside until I cooled off. After much thought, research and experimentation I decided to return the blasted thing to Costco and so I did.

I knew I was going back to multiple updates, purchasing malware and virus protection,and a generally slower machine but it was one of those deals where you don’t realize how irritating it is until you are once again dealing with it. Me and my Chromebook will remain besties!

Another thing that happened is that I became an 80-year-old woman on March 6th. This one stung a bit. It seems to be a number that I find bothersome. I will get used to it because they will not be able to change it at Costco.

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