Monday, January 16


 Jason called on Monday ( I think. It might have been Tuesday) and said they planned to come to the RGV for 3 days and would arrive on Thursday. I was able to reserve them a room in the apartments. I found out there is a 3 day minimum for rentals of the apartments. It was the first time I had been inside one of them and I do have to say they are small. $ 65 a night and that is not bad these days. Any more than a month in one would be too much I think. They are fine for  3 days as you would most likely be too busy to care. It was good to have them nearby and it made planning for events and the coming and going much easier. 

Butch was in a tournament on Tuesday and he came in 3rd in the RGV Senior Olympics. They were pleased. Wednesday we wrapped up as many details as we could getting ready for the "kids" to come on Thursday. Butch played with his partner, Paul Kelleher in the doubles and they won the gold medal on Thursday! What a day it turned out to be! Jason and Laura arrived about 12:30. and I showed them around the park then at 4:00 we joined in the daily Happy Hour at our neighbors Bill and Sandi. They provide the place and you bring your own "happy" and it breaks up promptly at 5 so everyone can get their supper before joining in whatever evening activities they have planned. It works beautifully. A fun time was had by all. Butch and Paul were a bit late having won their gold medal and were still enjoying the win when they arrived. They represented Trophy in a mighty fine way.

When Jason and Laura arrived I showed them around the park, and we returned to our park model, going over for happy hour at 4:00. We had a very good time introducing our family to our southern friends.

Not the best of pictures but you get the idea!

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