Saturday, January 21


 We are partway through the two most hectic months of the season, January and February. When we left Magnolia park I promised myself I would not get my time filled up to where I could barely breathe. And I have done that. One of the reasons I chose to do that is because when our RV went out the gate in the Spring I felt relieved and had a sense of freedom like being on vacation. So slow down you move too fast would dance through my head and still does now and then. The downside of this plan is that I do not always come across as accessible. I am involved to a limited degree in two areas, the pool hall and trivia. I enjoy both of these activities. There are many other areas that hold an interest for me but choices must be made so that I do not go out the gate in the Spring in a state of relief but rather a choice of a different cycle. So rest assured I am not giving any of you the snub and someday I might make a switch. I try to stay flexible. Don't feel bad or sad if I say "No". It isn't personal. I am just as busy as I want to be which isn't very!

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